How We’re Organised

Our Commitee

The Swan is managed by an elected committee of nine people. This committee is responsible for:

  • Managing the theatre’s finances
  • Planning the future direction of the theatre
  • Ensuring we meet the terms of our licences,
  • Ensuring we comply with statutory requirements on matters such as Health and Safety and Data Protection.


Co-ordinating Committee

  • Chairman – Mark Payne
  • Treasurer – Andrew Middleton
  • Secretary – Sally Matthews
  • Facilities Manager – Dick Bennett
  • Marketing Manager – Adrian Harding
  • Artistic Manager – Robert Graydon
  • Committee Member – Annetta Broughton
  • Committee Member – Brian Williams
  • Committee Member – Sally Matthews

The Terms of Reference of this Committee are shown here: Swan Theatre Committee Terms of Reference

Day-to-day Running

The day-to-day running of the Swan is in the hands of three teams of volunteers:

The Facilities Team is responsible for maintenance, repairs and development works for the building. The team is also responsible for all the Front of House services such as the bar and interval refreshments. Terms of Reference here: Facilities Team Terms of Reference

The Artistic Team is responsible for planning each season’s stage productions, making sure we have a balanced selection of plays, and also ensuring that each show runs smoothly from the first audition, through the rehearsal period and into the final production. Terms Of Reference here: Artistic Team Terms of Reference

The Marketing Team is responsible for publicising all our productions and also the Swan itself, and for everything to do with our membership. Terms of Reference here: Marketing Team Terms of Reference

Volunteers Required

  • We always welcome assistance from our Members to join in and get involved; There are always jobs to be done on-stage, back-stage, set-building, front-of-house, marketing and general upkeep. We would love to welcome you into the fold and tap into your skills.

If you are interested, please check what you could do at the Get Involved section, and then contact us at