
Front of House & Bar

Front-of-House & Bar Rota Co-ordinator

The co-ordinator is responsible for producing the rota for each show. Read on to find out more about the FOH & Bar requirements.

Front of House

The FOH team are the people who the audience first meet. They carry out evacuation procedures, which are a condition of the Swan’s public performance licence and have been agreed with SSDC and the Fire & Rescue Service. They require the Swan to provide three Front Of House staff plus two bar staff each night of every public performance as well as two coffee helpers.

St John’s Ambulance also provide two volunteers per show.

FOH staff are volunteers and for every public performance, we have on duty seven people:

  • 1 Theatre Manager
  • 1 selling programmes
  • 1 taking tickets
  • 2 Providing teas and coffees
  • 2 Bar staff


We need two bar staff for every public performance. These people are also needed for our evacuation procedures. We need a bar manager to stock the bar for the bar staff to sell. If you enjoy talking to people and are willing to help maintain stock levels and, especially if you have retail experience, please get in touch.

We will train you to be a theatre manager or work behind the bar and also teach you how to operate the coffee machine, the dishwasher and the till. Volunteering is also a good way to meet other members.