Charity supporting The Thrill of Love
The Charity Night will be on Monday 18th July and will be shared by the Sherborne & Yeovil link of the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline & the Apollo Swimming Club for the physically disabled.
Sherborne and Yeovil link are part of the national Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline charity. For many years the charity & link have been bringing children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to our area for 4 weeks. The visit improves their immune systems which are compromised due to living in continuous levels of radiation. Due to coronavirus visits were stopped at the beginning of lockdown and now also due to the distressing situation in Ukraine. From the start of lockdown, we have been supporting children in their own country. A family of 5 school age children, in Belarus, the youngest, with cancer of her eye and surrounding orbit. We have bought highly nutritious food, paid for weekly transport to and from hospital, bought a wood burner to heat the family home and numerous other items from funds that we continued to raise.
Our fund raising efforts this year are also supporting the charities Ukrainian Crisis Fund which is helping families with severely disabled and immobile children in Ukraine: getting food to them and taking them to safety – see Ukraine Video
The Apollo Swimming Club was originally founded to help children who needed exercise after orthopaedic operations or after periods of immobilisation in splints. Our membership has now widened so that we have adults and children with many different kinds of physical disabilities or who are recovering from operations. We swim twice a week and have a minibus for those who do not have their own transport. We run regular skittles evenings, table top sales, swimming galas, parties and sail at Sutton Bingham Reservoir during the summer months. The club is run by volunteers and relies on fund raising to keep the minibus on the road, train lifeguards and hire the swimming pools for our sessions.
Tickets (£12) can be purchased online or from the charity representatives:
a) Chernobyl Children – Ann Horrocks tel: 07870 826853 email:
b) Apollo Swimming Club – Sarah Hull tel: 07974 883875 email: