Charities supporting The Hollow
The Charity Night will be on Monday 13th March and will be shared between Yeo Vale Rotary & St Margaret’s Hospice.
Monies raised will be put towards the annual Rotary Kids Day Out. The first Rotary-sponsored national Kids Out day took place in 1990 and since then some 25,000 disadvantaged children have been taken on regional excursions. At Yeo Vale we have participated in this event for a number of years and will again be taking a group of youngsters to Creely Park near Exeter in June. In the past there have been a number of children who have never had such an opportunity before. For further information about Yeo Vale Rotary Club please visit the website at
To purchase tickets contact Bruce Bailey by March 1st with Name & number of tickets at required at £15 per person at Please pay by BACS (preferred) to Rotary Club of Yeo Vale Trust Fund, sort code 40 47 28, account 61568205, reference surnameSWAN OR send a cheque (payable to Rotary Club of Yeo Vale) to Philip Scrancher, Orchard Lea, Sutton Montis, Somerset BA22 7HE
St Margaret’s Hospice Care has been at the heart of Somerset’s community for 40 years, delivering high quality, responsive and compassionate care to patients and their families facing a life-limiting illness. Whether it is for days, weeks, months, even years, the time patients spend being cared for and supported by St Margaret’s Hospice Care is precious and cherished. Through their medical expertise, nursing skills and specialist support services, they provide physical, emotional and spiritual care to patients, their families and carers.
With two hospice sites; one in Yeovil and one in Taunton, as well as five community based teams caring for patients in their own homes, they continually strive to reach everyone in the community that needs their care, often during their precious last days. The specialist In-patient unit in Taunton provides 24 hour complex symptom control for patients across Somerset.
Tickets (£12.50) can be purchased online or from the Swan Theatre Box Office